Tuesday, June 22, 2010

keeping up with Spanish

something i found out that was quite interesting is that a ton of the major Spanish learning software programs teach Castillian Spanish; that is, Spain or European Spanish. the is that Castillian Spanish is considered formal, educated Spanish. odd huh? well, i guess "culture" (narrowly defined here) started in Europe!

so, i started making lists of nouns, verbs, pronouns, prepositions and common phrases. i got them all from rosetta stone (v2) and the website, www.elearnspanishlanguage.com. i really like the website. it's organized, simple and mainly text-driven with some audio wave files for pronunciation. this is in comparison to rosetta stone, which has both audio, text, input boxes to practice writing and pictures.

the first couple of weeks, i really just "listened" to Spanish on the radio and watched some Spanish TV programming to get a feel for the language. i'm now officially taking notes and practicing. as all the SLA theories say, it just takes time to learn a new language. i can't wait until i actually understand the Spanish radio and TV stations!

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